Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Sharing Links”
Automate the Removal of Expired Sharing Links in SharePoint with PowerShell
Sharing is a great feature for collaboration. However, depending on how items, files, or folders are shared, a sharing link might be created or unique permissions on these items are created. It is possible to set an expiration date on sharing links in SharePoint and OneDrive. For more details, please refer to How to set an expiration date on sharing links in SharePoint and OneDrive. Microsoft introduced the capability to set an expiry date for all types of sharing links: “Anyone”, company-wide (aka.
Deletion of company-wide and anonymous sharing links with PowerShell
Sharing is a powerful feature for collaboration. However depending on how items, files or folders are shared, a sharing link might be created or unique permissions on these items are created. The sharing link is created when the copy links is clicked from the sharing pop up options when people other those already have existing access are picked.
However by default, if sharing options have not been configured, links to “People in ” or “Anyone” (if external sharing is allowed) is selected
Remove Expired Sharing Links and Update Sharing Link Role to Read
Updating the expiration time and role for sharing links is still limited. Although it seems possible through the Graph API Update permission, I have been unable to pass the roles as body parameters.
Graph Explorer Attempts Using the following script:
Invoke-PnPGraphMethod -Url "v1.0/drives/$driveId/items/$driveItemId/permissions/$($ShareLink.Id)" -Method Patch -Content @{ roles = @("read") } threw the error message
“Invalid input: No Information provided to update the specifed permission”
From the UI Anyone link can’t be edited Organisation link can’t be edited Specific people links can be edited Using the network tab from the browser developer tools enables identifying the endpoint to update specific people links only.
Deletion of sharing links with PowerShell
Deletion of sharing links with PowerShell As organisations look to deploy Copilot for Microsoft 365, ensuring the security and proper governance of shared content is important. The rollout of Copilot introduces advanced AI capabilities across Microsoft 365 apps using content from SharePoint/OneDrive, making it even more essential to manage sharing links judiciously to tackle the issue of oversharing.
Sharing is a powerful feature for collaboration. However depending on how items, files or folders are shared, a sharing link might be created or unique permissions on these items are created.