Deletion of sharing links with PowerShell
Deletion of sharing links with PowerShell
As organisations look to deploy Copilot for Microsoft 365, ensuring the security and proper governance of shared content is important. The rollout of Copilot introduces advanced AI capabilities across Microsoft 365 apps using content from SharePoint/OneDrive, making it even more essential to manage sharing links judiciously to tackle the issue of oversharing.
Sharing is a powerful feature for collaboration. However depending on how items, files or folders are shared, a sharing link might be created or unique permissions on these items are created.
The sharing link is created when the copy links is clicked from the sharing pop up options when people other those already have existing access are picked.
However by default, if sharing options have not been configured, links to “People in
The sharing behaviour can be changed to “People with existing access” using PowerShell to prevent accidental sharing not to worsen the situation.
Set-PnPTenantSite -Identity `
-DefaultSharingLinkType None `
-DefaultLinkPermission None `
-DefaultLinkToExistingAccess $true `
-DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks Disabled `
Setting DefaultSharingLinkType and DefaultLinkPermission to ‘None’ means respecting the organisation setting. Setting DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks to Disabled disables the option to pick organisation wide sharing. The DefaultLinkToExistingAccess sets the default link to be “People with existing access” with ability for the user to pick a different setting as needed.
Please refer to Get sharing links how to retrieve all sharing instances generated.
If sharing links need to be removed from accidental unintended sharing, there are two options.
Run a script to remove unique permissions for all files and items. However it will remove unique permissions deliberately set. Reset files permissions unique to Inherited
Delete only the sharing links The script using PnP PowerShell below helps to delete only the sharing links set at folder, file and item level
$siteUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter site collection URL";
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-ss")
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path
$fileName = "SharingLinkDeletionReport-" + $dateTime + ".csv"
$ReportOutput = $directorypath + "\Logs\"+ $fileName
$global:Results = @();
#Exclude certain libraries
$ExcludedLists = @("Form Templates", "Preservation Hold Library", "Site Assets", "Images", "Pages", "Settings", "Videos","Timesheet"
"Site Collection Documents", "Site Collection Images", "Style Library", "AppPages", "Apps for SharePoint", "Apps for Office")
Function QueryDeleteSharingLinksByObject($_web,$_object,$_type,$_relativeUrl,$_siteUrl,$_siteTitle,$_listTitle)
$roleAssignments = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $_object -Property RoleAssignments
foreach($roleAssign in $roleAssignments){
Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $roleAssign -Property RoleDefinitionBindings,Member;
#Sharing link is in the format SharingLinks.03012675-2057-4d1d-91e0-8e3b176edd94.OrganizationView.20d346d3-d359-453b-900c-633c1551ccaa
If ($roleAssign.Member.Title -like "SharingLinks*")
$global:Results += New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{
object= $_object.Title
type = $_type
relativeURL = $_relativeURL
siteUrl = $_siteUrl
siteTitle = $_siteTitle
listTitle = $_listTitle
sharinglink = $roleAssign.Member.Title
remove-pnpgroup -identity $roleAssign.Member.Title -force
# return $_sharingLinks;
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -Interactive
$web= Get-PnPWeb
Write-Host "Processing site $siteUrl" -Foregroundcolor "Red";
$ll = Get-PnPList -Includes BaseType, Hidden, Title,HasUniqueRoleAssignments,RootFolder | Where-Object {$_.Hidden -eq $False -and $_.Title -notin $ExcludedLists } #$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary"
Write-Host "Number of lists $($ll.Count)";
foreach($list in $ll)
$listUrl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl;
$listTitle = $list.Title;
#Get all list items in batches
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -PageSize 2000
#Iterate through each list item
ForEach($item in $ListItems)
$ItemCount = $ListItems.Count
#Check if the Item has unique permissions
$HasUniquePermissions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $Item -Property "HasUniqueRoleAssignments"
#Get Shared Links
if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary")
$type= "File";
$fileUrl = $item.FieldValues.FileRef;
$type= "Item";
$fileUrl = "$siteurl/lists/$listTitle/AllItems.aspx?FilterField1=ID&FilterValue1=$($"
QueryDeleteSharingLinksByObject $web $item $Type $fileUrl $siteUrl $web.Title $listTitle;
$global:Results | Export-CSV $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation
Write-host -f Green "Sharing Links for user generated Successfully!"
The PowerShell script provided is designed to connect to a specified SharePoint Online site collection, enumerate all lists and libraries (excluding certain system libraries), and scan for sharing links. These links are then systematically deleted, and a report is generated to log the actions taken. This process helps administrators maintain control over who has access to what information, ensuring that sharing is done judiciously and in compliance with organizational policies.
Using Remove-PnPFileSharingLink and Remove-PnPFolderSharingLink
The Remove-PnPFileSharingLink and Remove-PnPFolderSharingLink will remove sharing links created only at file and folder level excluding item level.
Automatic deletion of sharing links with expiry date
A well sought feature: an expiration date for all sharing links is being rolled out. This feature is anticipated to restrict sharing to a specific period, adding a valuable layer of control to content dissemination.
This is related to message Id MC799277 from the message center.
“Coming soon: When you share a link in Microsoft 365, Set expiration date will let users set a date for a link to expire. After a user sets a date and the link expires, the link won’t work, and the user will need to make a new link or reshare with people so they can continue to access the file. Before the rollout, users can only set the expiration for links for Anyone. With this rollout, users can also set an expiration on for links for People in your organization and People you choose. This message applies to Microsoft 365 apps for the web, for desktop on Windows or Mac, and for mobile on Android or iOS.
When this will happen: Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by early July 2024. General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, and DoD): We will begin rolling out early July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-July 2024.”
There is a corresponding setting to allow Admins to set automatic expiry date for the sharing links soon.
The PowerShell script outlined in this post offers a practical solution for administrators to mitigate the risks associated with oversharing by deleting unnecessary sharing links in SharePoint Online. By automating this process, organisations can ensure that their collaboration practices do not compromise security or compliance. This approach not only helps in maintaining a secure digital environment but also supports the governance policies that are crucial for a successful Copilot for Microsoft 365 rollout.