Update managed metadata field using list formatting
Using column formatting in SharePoint, you can update the values of other fields using the setValue function. This approach allows you to create dynamic functionality in your lists and libraries without extensive development, helping to avoid accumulating technical debt.
Updating a Managed Metadata field, however, is not as straightforward as simply specifying the display value. The field expects a specific format that includes the term’s ID (termId).
Understanding Column Formatting Column formatting in SharePoint involves using a combination of inline CSS, HTML, and JSON to control how fields in lists and libraries are displayed.
Optimizing PowerShell Scripts to check for unique permissions in SharePoint: REST API vs. Get-PnPListItem
When working with large SharePoint sites, checking for unique permissions can be a time-consuming task. This blog post explores methods to optimize PowerShell scripts for fetching property HasUniqueRoleAssignments to determine unique permissions, including using PnP PowerShell and the SharePoint REST API. We compare their performance and highlight the advantages and limitations of each approach.
Using PnP PowerShell PnP PowerShell provides an efficient way to interact with SharePoint Online and retrieve list items to check for unique permissions.
Copy SharePoint list structure with data - ALM
If you have built Power Platform solutions using SharePoint as a datasource, you may want to export the list structure along with its data from the source environment (e.g., DEV) and deploy it across different environments such as Test, UAT, and PROD. Fortunately, the PnP Provisioning from PnP PowerShell provides this capability. Power Platform solutions can be deployed using pipelines after the SharePoint structure is deployed.
Export Structure and Data from SharePoint Lists PnP PowerShell makes this process straightforward with Get-PnPSiteTemplate: